Thursday, June 11, 2009

Traffic signs

I live in a town where a traffic sign reads 'SPEED LIMIT STRICTLY ENFORCED NEXT MILE'. It has never ceased to perplexed me how that sign came to be. Surely somebody can miss the lack of logic, but a traffic sign, custom none the less, must have been reviewed and approved by a number of OTHER people.
I've been looking for other signs in town that would give this sign a reason to exist, such as 'SPEED LIMIT LOOSELY ENFORCED' OR 'SPEED LIMIT IS NOT ENFORCED ON THIS ROAD'. More than a traffic sign I'm looking for evidence that the people that are running our town are trustworthy.
There is another sign on my way to work, in another town, that makes me feel a little better about my 'strictly enforced speed limit'. Not satisfied with the standard school zone, deer xing, no salt area posts, this town felt the need to beware the motorists of the elderly. The sign reads something like 'ELDERLY HOUSING AHEAD'. Did they have a sign surplus and couldn't come up with anything better? or they have seniors on steroids that run into the route after their bouncing dentures? The best part is that the area is residential, without a business in miles and no reason I can think of why a resident of the elderly housing would need to cross the road in a rush.
I am not really complaining, these signs have stimulated all kinds of highly unlikely situations that might justify the signs and provided me with hours of amusement. I imagined the seniors running away from the housing like a dog without a leash and the nurses running after him only to find him flattened on the road like a squirrel. Or rebelious seniors dearing each other to cross the road without their walkers. Or taking the dentures from the push over senior and throwing it to each other until someones missess the pass and the toothless senior dies trying to recover his denture for that evening's meatloaf.

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